Black History Month at Invictus

This month Invictus celebrated Black History Month. For the entire month students have been able to read about important black innovators and relevant leaders with posters put up in every classroom. On February 17th students were able to come together as a school and participate in a very special event.

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Sara Parker
Physics and Engineering Design Challenges

In Mr. Grossmann’s 11th grade Physics and Engineering class, students at Invictus are learning to be scientists: inventing, creating, and testing their work on a regular basis. This hands-on style class gives every student the opportunity to figure things out on their own, engage collaboratively with their peers, and meet a high academic bar for success. 

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Sara Parker
Fall Sports Season at Invictus!

As new teams in the Bay Area Charter Schools Athletic Conference, girls volleyball, boys soccer, and cross country runners have made major league strides on the court, field, and course, which we can see reflected in their season starts and finishes. They show how tremendous grit, strength of team, and awesome coaching can lead to incredible gains not only in sport, but life. 

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Sara Parker
What Invictus Students Say

The close relationships we maintained with our students and families supported us through the pandemic. Our efforts are yielding great benefits as reported by our recent 2020-2021 student survey.

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